February is Black History Month and here are some resources and ideas for activities to do in your classroom! Of course, diversity should be taught throughout the year and a variety and books and materials should be used, but February is the time to discuss important black public figures and contributors in history.

Download this FREE workbook to introduce each person and use as a guide for these different activities.

Here are some other resources that supplement the workbook.
Here are some great books to read during Black History Month:

Barack Obama
Read Barack Obama by Mary Nhin and make an American flag craft.

Jackie Robinson
Make a baseball lacing craft out of a paper plate.
Rosa Parks
Make a bus craft out of popsicle sticks or a paper plate.

Oprah Winfrey
Make a microphone out of a paper towel or toilet paper roll and a ball of aluminum foil. Decorate with stickers.
Maya Angelou
“Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”- decorate a rainbow
Rainbow activities
*Make your own books and glue in poetry.

Michael Jackson
Decorate a glove with sequins and glitter and have a class dance party.
George Washington Carver
Cut a peanut out of construction paper and eat peanut butter (if there are no allergies in your class).

Martin Luther King Jr.
*Make a class flower and talk about how everyone is unique, special, and important.
*Do the egg experiment with different color eggs and talk about how we are all the same on the inside.
*”I have a dream” writing activity. The students can draw a picture of something that they dream will happen.

Mae C. Jemison
Read Mae Among the Stars by Roda Ahmed
Make an astronaut helmet out of a paper plate.
Ruby Bridges
Read The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles
“I can be brave by….” Writing activity
Jesse Owens
*Do relay races outside and pretend to be in the Olympics.
*Make the Olympic rings with paint and a paper towel roll.
*Make a gold medal by painting a cardboard or clay circle gold and attach it to a string.
Thurgood Marshal
*Make a craft gavel out of a stick and toilet paper roll.
Muhammed Ali
“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”- coloring page
*Make craft bees and butterflies.
Althea Gibson
Practice hitting tennis balls with rackets or make a racket out of a paper plate and stick.
Louis Armstrong
Listen to Louis Armstrong’s music and talk about how you can help to make “ A wonderful world”.
Harriet Tubman
Make a lantern with a battery tea light candle in it.
Katherine Johnson
Read Counting on Katherine by Helaine Becker
Make a rocket ship craft with numbers 1-10. Practice counting down from 10.
Bessie Coleman
Make an airplane out of clothespins and craft sticks.
Raven Wilkinson
Watch clips of ballets and practice ballet positions.
Read Bunheads by Misty Copeland
Michael Jordan
Play basketball, practice dribbling and throwing.
Happy Teaching!